Ideation & Validation

CauseLabs Mission Model Canvas worksheet

Part 5 | Working with the Mission Model Canvas

This is the last section of our 5 part guide to the Mission Model Canvas: your business plan cheat sheet. You can read our previous journals here. Previously, we stepped into the shoes of the customer and identified how we will (10) Engage and (11) Reach the customer; next, we budgeted (12) How much it […]

A person's hands writing and a Do Work That Matters coffee mug

Part 4 | Working with the Mission Model Canvas

This is part four of our guide to the Mission Model Canvas: your business plan cheat sheet. Read the first four parts here in our journals. In the previous article, we listed the Key Activities that will (7) Solve the problem; (8) Listed the Key Partners; and identified (9) What we need to test the […]

A person's hands writing on the mission model canvas

Part 3 | Working with the Mission Model Canvas

This is part three of our guide to the Mission Model Canvas: your business plan cheat sheet. Read part one and part two in our journals. Previously, we walked through (4) Write a potential solution, (5) Identify who you will help, and answered (6) “How will this solution make an impact?” In this article, we […]

A person looking a notes after rapid prototyping

Part 2 | Working with the Mission Model Canvas

Welcome to part two of our 5 part guide to the Mission Model Canvas worksheet. In part one, we gave an overview of the first three sections: (1) Start with a mission, (2) Have 3-5 core values, and (3) Define the problem your solution is aiming to solve. In this article, we will walk through […]

A person's hands writing and a CauseLabs coffee mug

Intro | Working with the Mission Model Canvas

In this article, we’ll explore a few more pieces of the CauseLabs Mission Model Canvas to help you fill out your own worksheet. New to the Mission Model Canvas? Read more about it and how it can help you grow positive impact here. We’ll help guide the considerations for each section, but we won’t go into […]

CauseLabs Mission Model Canvas worksheet

Growing Positive Impact with the Mission Model Canvas

Think of the Mission Model Canvas as your business plan cheat sheet. This worksheet helps you to focus your ideas and validate outcomes early and efficiently.

A white dog swimming in a pool.

Analogous Learning and the Path to Staying Curious

When I was 6 years old, I started taking swim lessons. It was at the swimming complex at the University of Tennessee, where I remember watching the diving team practice from the 10 meter platform in complete, terrified awe. Lucky for me, I started with blowing bubbles in the shallow end. Slowly, we progressed to a swimming stroke: the doggy paddle. Did you hear that right? The doggy paddle. The instructor was teaching us how to swim like a dog.

It's time for your company to grow.

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